Every Veterans Day, I participate in
local celebrations to remember and to honor military mentors who
taught me how to be a successful Army officer, and later, a
successful public school teacher.
The late General John Stanford
(retired) is always on my mind during these ceremonies. When I ran a
child development center and other family support programs at Oakland
Army Base, General Stanford chose to be my mentor. He elevated my
education programs as central to the health of our military
General Stanford often gathered his
officers in his home, or at the Officers Club, to discuss his
philosophy of leadership: take care of your people, and your people
will work very hard to accomplish the mission.
When he retired, Stanford became
Superintendent of the Seattle Public School District, with the
mission to turn this failing school district around. He put his
“people first” philosophy into practice, including the same
walk-around management style he used to motivate demoralized Army
soldiers who suffered from public disrespect and institutional
neglect for more than a decade after the Vietnam war.
General Stanford was so successful as
an education leader that he gave the 1996 Education Speech at the
National Democratic Convention, and he was cited in many textbooks as
a model education leader. Shortly before he was diagnosed with
cancer, corporate leaders wanted to reward Gen. John Stanford with a
$500,000 bonus. Stanford turned down this money, flatly stating:
give it to my teachers, put it in education programs.
Evangeline Parish teachers have not
received step increases for more than four years. Some of us
experienced pay cuts, even though we've taken on extra duties, our
student loads were increased, and we raised our student test scores
year after year after year. Our band programs have been severely
cut, and there were two massive teacher lay-offs after the economy
When the state imposes its new health
plan, all teachers and staff will take another pay cut, as our
governor has chosen to dishonestly balance his budget on the backs of
teachers, aides, and support staff.
When the pay cuts, lay-offs, and
program cuts were necessary for the survival of our school district
during harsh economic times, I was more than willing to do my fair
share of belt-tightening.
I don't have children, and I put a good
chunk of my pay back into my band classroom, in the hope that we can
rebuild our music programs in this parish – because music cutbacks
in the past six years have really hurt our students, and it is really
hard to rebuild a band program once you completely cut it from your
But, now, I am not so sure the pay
freeze is necessary. What caused me to change my mind about our
status quo?
It was reported that the Evangeline
Parish School Board found it in their heart to award our
superintendent, Ms. Toni Hamlin, a 3% salary increase – as a reward
for our school district's improved performance scores.
Our buck-trending success was not
created in a vacuum, that is, in the Superintendent's office. Our
scores went up because teachers, aides, cooks, janitors all went the
extra mile on a daily basis.
If the board felt it necessary to give
Ms. Hamlin, our highest paid executive this increase to cover the
“cost of living,” then, the board should do the same for ALL
staff members. If rewards are to be dished out, they should be
dished out equitably to every person on the staff.
Sadly, coaches, teachers with extra
duties are being told there is no money for fair compensation for
their extra effort. Yet, the Evangeline Parish School Board Central
Office is giving itself raises and new contracts with built-in salary
At this time of turmoil and
mistreatment of Louisiana's teachers and support staff, I miss my
mentor, General John Stanford. But, on this Veteran's Day, I am
vowing to honor his memory by working for fair treatment of all
education professionals. The future success of our school district
depends on the fair and equitable treatment of all our employees –
not just the handful at the top.
I will always be grateful that General
John Stanford taught me first hand his first principle of leadership:
if you take good care of your people, they will work hard to
accomplish the mission.
It's time for the Evangeline Parish
School Board to take care of its people. I hope they will choose to
do so, because our students' success is at stake.
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