Saturday, October 30, 2010

DOW has its best close in four years!

I don't understand why Wall Street is abandoning the Obama administration.  The bailouts seem to have improved profitability... The Inquirer reports that the DOW had its best October in four years!  Here's the story:

HB101 needs to be revisited!

Thankfully, elections will be over in a few days.  Legislators will return to work, if only for their lame duck sessions.  Given the budget crisis in Pennsylvania, I understand Governor Rendell's decision to veto the open-ended unintended tax break to profit-making ventures that lease or lend space to charter schools in Pennsylvania.  But, must the whole education budget be held hostage?  There are wonderful provisions in HB101... I hope you will read this and contact your legislator to invite them to return to the drawing board to get these items passed: